Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My response for First Lady's June 29, 2005 Letter

This is my letter that was mailed to the white house from NYC, on Sep 23, 2005, (Slightly edited for clarity)
Misty C. Marshall
Director of Correspondence
office of Laura Bush
A response for your letter to me dated June 29, 2005
Dear Ms: Marshall
I would like to start by thanking the first lady Laura Bush, it is thrilling that a letter written by a simple person like I caught her eye. Our popular graceful first lady that I heard the president of the United States introducing himself once as the husband of Laura Bush and the son of Barbara Bush. The American people disagree on almost every thing yet they agree on our first Lady. As you mentioned first lady Laura Bush asked you to answer my letter, I thank her with gratitude.
You mentioned that you shared my views “with the appropriate members of the White House staff.”. I wrote tens of essays objectively critiquing and analyzing the rebuilding process in Lower Manhattan I am willing and will be more than glad to share all what I wrote with them.
I am reading few books that were written about the rebuilding process, one of them called “Up From Zero” by Paul Goldberger. This book simply chronicled the Lower Manhattan rebuilding process. I highly recommend that the staff that will read my letter, read this book. It is even better if they hired an architect or someone who truly is passionate and knowledgeable about architecture to read it. The readers of this book are likely to conclude that every time there were a choice between serving national or personal interest it was the personal interest that was served. I read this book and made notes about it, I am willing to share it with “the appropriate white house staff”.
In this book there are a few places where the name “Ronald Bitts” was mentioned. Mr.: Bitts is not only competent and honest but he is also trusted by the white House, he is a personal friend of President Bush. He was a member of LMDC (resigned later)Bitts was marginalized by the building process he was too clean to fit in. Mr. Bitts’s testimony in this regard could be useful.
Bureaucracy, corruption and anarchy are launching a vicious attack against New York, don’t let them win. The White House decisions often start inside a smart mind of one of the White House staff like your own. I urge you to do all what you are capable of doing to bring this matter into Madam First Lady’s attention.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ramez A. George
Added on 08/01/2008 http://savenewyork.blogspot

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