Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My 8 Jan 08 letter to the Director of Correspondence of the office of Laura Bush

Mailed from NYC, January 8, 2008

Misty C. Marshall
Director of Correspondence
Office of Laura Bush

Dear Ms: Marshall
A second response for your letter dated June 29, 2005.
I would like to start by thanking the First Lady Laura Bush again.
You mentioned that you shared my views “with the appropriate members of the White House staff”. In the enclosed CD you will find tens of essays objectively critiquing and analyzing the rebuilding process in Lower Manhattan. Those were mostly my findings not my opinions. Those findings were disturbing. Please share those findings with the same “appropriate members of the White House staff” so they can compare their findings with mine.
The only thing the current rebuilding process is capable of commemorating is the anarchy and the lawlessness that dominated the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan from its start until now.
I asked you in my letter dated Sep 23, 2005, that “Bureaucracy, corruption and anarchy are launching a vicious attack against New York don’t let them win”. They won Ms Marshall, and the construction started in WTC site. The process was funded generously by the federal government. The government stepped in with the intentions to fund the New York’s comeback yet ended funding a personal and corrupted process.

The White House decisions often start inside a smart mind of one of the White House staff like your own. I urge you to utilize all your professional expertise to bring this matter into Madam First Lady’s attention.
I launched a few relevant Blogs you can navigate all of them starting with this Blog: http://savenewyork.blogspot.com/
Also documented some of my communications with the White House in this Blog: http://savenewyork-whitehouse.blogspot.com/

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ramez A. George

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