I wrote this letter to accompany a copy of my book on a CD I sent it via priority mail to the First Lady. A version of this letter along with a copy of the same CD were sent to President George W Bush, Attorney General: Alberto R. Gonzales and many other national and local politicians.
May 12, 2006
Madam First Lady: Laura Bush
For years I read and analyzed few books that were written regarding the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan. I live in New York which allowed me to follow the printed and aired news of the rebuilding process closely. I attended all the designs exhibitions that LMDC held to exhibit the designs their process produced. I have a Master of Architecture degree from SUNY Buffalo, wrote and designed my M-Arch’s thesis regarding Lower Manhattan.
Wrong doings were obvious right in the beginning of the Lower Manhattan rebuilding process. In the beginning I was excited how a guy with humble resources like I, was able to find a couple mistakes for those supposedly hand-picked honorable people that handled the national rebuilding process. Soon the excitement subsided, I realized that everything they did was wrong, not only couple things. It was serious. I had to do something. I started to document these mistakes, in written essays. Since the essays were time sensitive materials, as I was writing those essays I was sending what I wrote to the Media.
The expired rebuilding approach always carried looming irreversibility demonstrated in producing irrelevant architecture and needlessly desecrating an American sacred ground. This irreversibility is no longer looming. It is now being constructed. The actual construction started on April 2006 in the WTC site.
Early on 2006 I started the process of assembling the designs I produced over the years and the essays that are critical of the rebuilding process to form a book “In For A Dream”. My critique is of a design and administrative nature. I managed to find countless design and administrative wrong doings. However I am sure if a professional with a law enforcement background will analyze the wrong doings that I highlighted will find real crimes.
On the accompanied CD I am enclosing an unedited copy of my book “In For A Dream”.
-This CD has a folder that is titled “A Dream” it describes a far national a far superior and honest approach to rebuild Lower Manhattan. It shows how astonishing the future of New York City is going to look like. It can be authenticated by visionaries, good professors of architecture or good professors of urban design.
-This CD has folder that is titled “A Nightmare” includes sobering, incriminating and a complete indictment for the Lower Manhattan Rebuilding Process, should be presented to law enforcement agencies for immediate action.
-This CD also includes the book cover and book introduction.
I urge you to use all the powers that the White House is capable of utilizing to save New York City. This matter is extremely urgent and needs your immediate attention.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ramez A. George
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