Thursday, January 17, 2008

History will wonder…My E-Mail #100 to the president

Mailed and e-mailed from NYC, January 17, 2008

The Honorable president: George W. Bush

Dear president: Bush
Throughout the last seven years, I wrote the White House many letters, faxes and this is my 100th E-mail to Mr. President. The premise of those letters is briefly highlighted in this paragraph. I have a Master of Architecture degree from SUNY Buffalo, graduated in 2000. My M-Arch’s thesis was a national project to expand Lower Manhattan into the sea achieving ages of prosperity and expandability for Manhattan. As the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan commenced after the terrorist attacks of September 11, I offered a synopsis of my design work for the LMDC (the entity the administered the rebuilding process). They refused to critique it, refused to hear or meet me. They put their refusal in writing. I followed the rebuilding process of lower Manhattan closely and was able to discover countless violations of design and administrative principles. This process is vividly corrupted. There is an approach to rebuild lower Manhattan that is far national and far superior yet was never introduced to the public. The validity of this valid argument alone will declare the lower Manhattan rebuilding process obsolete by comparison. Closely watching the wrong doings consistently committed throughout the entire length of Lower Manhattan’s rebuilding process will declare this process and its outcome invalid without any comparisons. I presented my expansion approaches along with my rebuilding process critique in a book titled “In for a Dream?” This book is subtitled “A National, Superior and Honest Approach to Rebuild Lower Manhattan.” This book is pending publishing.

It is a verifiable fact that the president of the United States of America is the most powerful man in the world. As a naturalized American citizen, I indulge on this proven fact. On the other hand -applying worldly measures- I am probably the least powerful man in New York. Provided how important and how time-sensitive the materials that I provided over the last 7 years -Even with the powers of the US-presidency and my insignificance- the White House doesn’t have the option of ignoring my pleas. Please don’t let my insignificance and poverty defeat New York. Despite I don’t quite wish to be rich, lately I truly wished to have some riches to pay a PR firm to inform you about my legitimate case. The other guys have neither a case nor a project yet they have guys in the press doing their PR.

The federal government under your leadership generously funded the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan in an attempt to fund New York’s comeback after the terrorist attacks. One cannot ask for a better intentions yet cannot imagine a worth outcome. These funds were used to fund a personal project producing a massive square footage to serve the purpose of a few while defeating the purpose of the entire country. Even worse the government money was most likely used to fund organized crime, bribe politicians and generate bogus press misleading the public.

In one of my letters to you Mr. President, years ago, I asked the white house to form a critique-committee of honorable, competent and unquestionably-loyal Americans to examine my design assertions. This offer is still standing. I suggest presenting my conclusions regarding Lower Manhattan’s rebuilding process’s wrong doings before another committee formed of law enforcements agents.

Time is running out Mr. President your presidency just entered its 8th and final year. The construction on the personal -yet presented as national- project to rebuild the WTC started. I sent you Mr. President, hundreds of pages and a CD detailing the corruption and the inferiority of the current rebuilding process of lower Manhattan. What I sent the white house will exonerate me before history. But will compel history to wonder; why the honorable president didn’t intervene to help New York? I urge you Mr. President to get involved to save New York.
I launched a few relevant Blogs you can navigate all of them starting with this Blog:
Also documented some of my communications with the White House in this Blog:

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ramez A. George

35-06 34th Street Apt #A43
Astoria NY 11106
Cell (212) 729-4905
Phone (718) 482-1954

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A call for the First Lady’s conscience to save New York.

NYC in January 8, 2008
Dear Madam First Lady: Laura Bush

You ranked among the highest on my list of the most distinguished and honorable persons that live in our planet. I devised this list to appeal for the conscience of those who are in this list to help me save my city, New York. I am an American citizen. I am reaching out for your unquestionable integrity.
I have a Master of Architecture degree from State University of New York at Buffalo, and graduated in 2000. My thesis was a national project to expand Lower Manhattan into the sea achieving ages of prosperity and expandability for Manhattan. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, my design work gained urgency and its relevance became compelling as a national rebuilding approach for Lower Manhattan.
As the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan commenced after September 11, I hand-delivered a synopsis of my design work for the LMDC (the entity the administered the rebuilding process). Numerous times, I urged LMDC to allow me to present and explain my design work. They refused to critique my work, refused to hear or meet me. They put their refusal in writing. I followed the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan closely and was able to discover countless violations of moral, design and administrative principles. This process was set to serve the purpose of a very few and defeat the purpose of the whole country. While this process is vividly corrupted, the architecture that it produced is being constructed as you are reading this letter.
This rebuilding process was largely funded by the American Federal government. While the intention of the federal government was to fund a major comeback for New York, the federal funds was misused and were applied to fund corruption. My design work and findings easily accumulated a more than 200 pages book (it is not published yet). I wrote this book in an attempt to right what is wrong. I sent my book on CD to many national and local politicians yet hardly received any answers.
I shared my work with the local and national American Media. There were countless lies reported about the rebuilding process through the Media outlets but the truth was never reported.
The great and popular city that is New York City is being assaulted one more time, this time it is an assault from within.
Thank you for your time and considerations.

Yours, Sincerely
Ramez A George
Web site:

My 8 Jan 08 letter to the Director of Correspondence of the office of Laura Bush

Mailed from NYC, January 8, 2008

Misty C. Marshall
Director of Correspondence
Office of Laura Bush

Dear Ms: Marshall
A second response for your letter dated June 29, 2005.
I would like to start by thanking the First Lady Laura Bush again.
You mentioned that you shared my views “with the appropriate members of the White House staff”. In the enclosed CD you will find tens of essays objectively critiquing and analyzing the rebuilding process in Lower Manhattan. Those were mostly my findings not my opinions. Those findings were disturbing. Please share those findings with the same “appropriate members of the White House staff” so they can compare their findings with mine.
The only thing the current rebuilding process is capable of commemorating is the anarchy and the lawlessness that dominated the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan from its start until now.
I asked you in my letter dated Sep 23, 2005, that “Bureaucracy, corruption and anarchy are launching a vicious attack against New York don’t let them win”. They won Ms Marshall, and the construction started in WTC site. The process was funded generously by the federal government. The government stepped in with the intentions to fund the New York’s comeback yet ended funding a personal and corrupted process.

The White House decisions often start inside a smart mind of one of the White House staff like your own. I urge you to utilize all your professional expertise to bring this matter into Madam First Lady’s attention.
I launched a few relevant Blogs you can navigate all of them starting with this Blog:
Also documented some of my communications with the White House in this Blog:

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Ramez A. George

My response for First Lady's June 29, 2005 Letter

This is my letter that was mailed to the white house from NYC, on Sep 23, 2005, (Slightly edited for clarity)
Misty C. Marshall
Director of Correspondence
office of Laura Bush
A response for your letter to me dated June 29, 2005
Dear Ms: Marshall
I would like to start by thanking the first lady Laura Bush, it is thrilling that a letter written by a simple person like I caught her eye. Our popular graceful first lady that I heard the president of the United States introducing himself once as the husband of Laura Bush and the son of Barbara Bush. The American people disagree on almost every thing yet they agree on our first Lady. As you mentioned first lady Laura Bush asked you to answer my letter, I thank her with gratitude.
You mentioned that you shared my views “with the appropriate members of the White House staff.”. I wrote tens of essays objectively critiquing and analyzing the rebuilding process in Lower Manhattan I am willing and will be more than glad to share all what I wrote with them.
I am reading few books that were written about the rebuilding process, one of them called “Up From Zero” by Paul Goldberger. This book simply chronicled the Lower Manhattan rebuilding process. I highly recommend that the staff that will read my letter, read this book. It is even better if they hired an architect or someone who truly is passionate and knowledgeable about architecture to read it. The readers of this book are likely to conclude that every time there were a choice between serving national or personal interest it was the personal interest that was served. I read this book and made notes about it, I am willing to share it with “the appropriate white house staff”.
In this book there are a few places where the name “Ronald Bitts” was mentioned. Mr.: Bitts is not only competent and honest but he is also trusted by the white House, he is a personal friend of President Bush. He was a member of LMDC (resigned later)Bitts was marginalized by the building process he was too clean to fit in. Mr. Bitts’s testimony in this regard could be useful.
Bureaucracy, corruption and anarchy are launching a vicious attack against New York, don’t let them win. The White House decisions often start inside a smart mind of one of the White House staff like your own. I urge you to do all what you are capable of doing to bring this matter into Madam First Lady’s attention.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ramez A. George
Added on 08/01/2008 http://savenewyork.blogspot

The June 29, 2005 response I received from first lady Laura Bush’s director of correspondences.

In this digitally framed letter, the First Lady’s director of correspondences was responding to one of my letters to First Lady Laura Bush.
I was very happy that I finally received a letter from the First Lady. However it is not about exchanging letters with the White House it is about exposing the corruption of the rebuilding process and about getting the white House involved in getting my proposal heard. It is 2008 and the Lower Manhattan’s rebuilding process corruption is not exposed and my scheme was never introduced to the public or even critiqued.

Friday, January 4, 2008


As soon as I conceived my first design concept to expand lower Manhattan in the mid nineties I wrote the White House. I never stopped until now. This Blog is to tell this story and to publish some of my letters to, and the responses I received from, the White House.
From the start, my idea to expand Lower Manhattan was a national project in its size, scope and purpose. Building on the water or land filling water will certainly need a government consent, partenership and approval, which make my project national laterally. While I have party preferences, my project does not, it is a national project, it doesn‘t matter Republican or Democrat.
When I contacted the White house after conceiving my first expansion-scheme in the mid-nineties; the resident of the white house then was President Clinton. After computer modeling my idea in 1995, I sent an E-mail with a 3D-image of my project as an attachment to the white house. This one of my earliest Lower Manhattan expansion schemes, I call this scheme my 95 scheme. I e-mailed a more colorful version of this image to the white house in mid-nineties.
At that time, I was just trying to deposit my idea to the conscience of the country; I never thought the white house would answer me. For my amazement, the White house answered my letters twice. Every answer from the white house carried a referral one for local planning official and one for Federal transportation officials. While the design concept of my project was always national the only thing that was intact, in my 95 scheme was its soul. Most of the details of the project had to be rethought. Which made my 95 scheme not quite presidential yet. During that time, what I really wanted was a chance to develop my design concept further. I needed computers, softwares, printers and big format printers to produce the designs. I also wanted few design-critics to critique my work as I develop it. With my next to zero budget it seemed impossible to fund all of these. In 1998 I was admitted to the Master of Architecture program at SUNY Buffalo. The school of architecture’s computer lab had all my computing needs to do the work and the school professors were the design critics. After graduation in 2000 I had couple realistic expansion schemes for Lower Manhattan and my project became truly “presidential“. The intact soul of my project had the choice of a couple of bodies to dwell in.

Few month after i graduated the resident of the most famous time-share in the planet -the White House- changed in 2001
(to be continued later)

My May 12, 2006 letter to First Lady: Laura Bush

I wrote this letter to accompany a copy of my book on a CD I sent it via priority mail to the First Lady. A version of this letter along with a copy of the same CD were sent to President George W Bush, Attorney General: Alberto R. Gonzales and many other national and local politicians.

May 12, 2006
Madam First Lady: Laura Bush
For years I read and analyzed few books that were written regarding the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan. I live in New York which allowed me to follow the printed and aired news of the rebuilding process closely. I attended all the designs exhibitions that LMDC held to exhibit the designs their process produced. I have a Master of Architecture degree from SUNY Buffalo, wrote and designed my M-Arch’s thesis regarding Lower Manhattan.
Wrong doings were obvious right in the beginning of the Lower Manhattan rebuilding process. In the beginning I was excited how a guy with humble resources like I, was able to find a couple mistakes for those supposedly hand-picked honorable people that handled the national rebuilding process. Soon the excitement subsided, I realized that everything they did was wrong, not only couple things. It was serious. I had to do something. I started to document these mistakes, in written essays. Since the essays were time sensitive materials, as I was writing those essays I was sending what I wrote to the Media.
The expired rebuilding approach always carried looming irreversibility demonstrated in producing irrelevant architecture and needlessly desecrating an American sacred ground. This irreversibility is no longer looming. It is now being constructed. The actual construction started on April 2006 in the WTC site.
Early on 2006 I started the process of assembling the designs I produced over the years and the essays that are critical of the rebuilding process to form a book “In For A Dream”. My critique is of a design and administrative nature. I managed to find countless design and administrative wrong doings. However I am sure if a professional with a law enforcement background will analyze the wrong doings that I highlighted will find real crimes.
On the accompanied CD I am enclosing an unedited copy of my book “In For A Dream”.
-This CD has a folder that is titled “A Dream” it describes a far national a far superior and honest approach to rebuild Lower Manhattan. It shows how astonishing the future of New York City is going to look like. It can be authenticated by visionaries, good professors of architecture or good professors of urban design.
-This CD has folder that is titled “A Nightmare” includes sobering, incriminating and a complete indictment for the Lower Manhattan Rebuilding Process, should be presented to law enforcement agencies for immediate action.
-This CD also includes the book cover and book introduction.
I urge you to use all the powers that the White House is capable of utilizing to save New York City. This matter is extremely urgent and needs your immediate attention.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ramez A. George