Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Please save New York e-mail #93

I wrote President Bush dozens and dozens of letters faxes and e-mails over the past 7 years. By now I am sure the number of my written communications easily surpasses 100. If I get the White House to answer my legitimate concerns it is fine if I couldn’t at least my case before history with all those letters will be compelling. When I realized that my letters aren't answered I started to number my e-mails trying to accumulate 100 E-mails, this is my 93rd e-mail to President George W Bush.

November 14, 2007
The Honorable President, President: George W Bush

I have a Master of Architecture degree from SUNY Buffalo, graduated in 2000. My thesis was a national project to expand Lower Manhattan into the sea achieving ages of prosperity and expandability for Manhattan.
As the rebuilding process of Lower Manhattan commenced after the terrorist attacks of September 11, I offered a synopsis of my design work for the LMDC (the entity the administered the rebuilding process). Despite its overwhelming relevance to the rebuilding process, they refused to critique it, refused to hear or meet me. They put their refusal in writing.
I followed the rebuilding process of lower Manhattan closely and was able to discover countless violations of design, moral and administrative principles. This process is vividly corrupted yet the architecture it produced is being constructed as you are reading this. I am sure if you will read my findings you will discover countless crimes.
This rebuilding process was largely funded by the Federal government. My finding easily accumulated a more than 200 pages book. I will gladly share it with any officials that you recommend I share it with.
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